TIMELESS PURPLE purple to pink violet
Short description
Timeless roses as a range that has been developed for home florists. Timeless Purple has fragrant blooms in shades of purple-pink to violetPlease enter your email address below to be notified when this item is back in stock.
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TIMELESS PURPLE purple to pink violet
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Short description
Timeless roses as a range that has been developed for home florists. Timeless Purple has fragrant blooms in shades of purple-pink to violetPlease enter your email address below to be notified when this item is back in stock.
Part of local community
Personal communication
Local delivery with a personal touch

- Article number36020
EAN codeMH001766
The Merryhatton Garden Centre is located in the Edinburgh area.
11 Holding, East Fortune,
North Berwick,
EH39 5JS,
United Kingdom
For any questions please contact 01620 880278 or send an email to info@merryhatton.co.uk.
Are you looking for "TIMELESS PURPLE purple to pink violet"? Visit our garden centre near Edinburgh and check our wide range of Roses. We look forward to seeing you soon at Merryhatton Garden Centre in North-Berwick!